Human Design Profile

In Human Design, the Profile is one of the key components of a person’s chart, known as the Bodygraph. The Profile is a combination of two numbers that indicate the person’s role and purpose in life. These numbers are derived from the positions of the conscious and unconscious Sun (Personality) and Earth (Design) in the chart.

Each number in the Profile is associated with one of the six lines (1 through 6), and there are 12 possible Profiles, as they are determined by the conscious and unconscious Sun positions. The lines each have distinct characteristics that influence how an individual approaches different aspects of life.

Here’s a brief overview of the six lines and their general characteristics:

  1. The Investigator (1st Line): Curious, experimental, and cautious. Investigative individuals like to gather information and learn through trial and error.
  2. The Hermit (2nd Line): Reserved, observant, and selective. Individuals with the Hermit line prefer to take their time, observe, and wait for the right opportunities.
  3. The Martyr (3rd Line): Trial and error learners who often experience ups and downs. Martyrs are willing to take risks and learn from their mistakes.
  4. The Opportunist (4th Line): Social and opportunistic. Opportunists are here to share experiences and learn from the successes and failures of others.
  5. The Heretic (5th Line): Experimental and rebellious. Individuals with the Heretic line are here to provoke change and challenge existing systems.
  6. The Role Model (6th Line): Experienced and wise. Role Models have a natural talent for leadership and are here to guide others based on their own experiences.

When you look at your Human Design chart, you’ll find your Profile by identifying the numbers associated with the conscious and unconscious Sun positions. For example, if your conscious Sun is in the 4th line and your unconscious Sun is in the 2nd line, your Profile is 4/2.

Understanding your Profile can provide insights into your inherent characteristics, tendencies, and potential life path. It’s important to note that while Human Design offers a framework for self-discovery and personal growth, it is not scientifically validated, and individuals may choose to take its insights with their own level of discernment.